Monday, July 5, 2010

Anniversary Weekend ~

I am having an amazing anniversary weekend. Lots of fun times with some of my favorite peeps {{my family}}. One of the adventures this weekend was a trip to Saturday Market. Very very busy so it was tough to really explore all the amazing sights, sounds and smells. I did however meet Ama ~ she was strumming her guitar along the pathway and of course my camera was drawn near. I had a chance to visit with her while I snapped a few photos. She was recently on the radio, a highlight in her young life as you could easily hear how proud and excited she was to share that. I asked Ama if she liked hanging out at the park, playing for people. She told me sometimes, when I asked how about today she told me it was half and half. We finally moved on and explored some of the amazing art scattered around the booths. I hope everyone's weekend is going well and that you are safe and happy.





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