Sunday, May 30, 2010

Amazing People ~ Meet Zach

Saturday was a day with friends and family. We started the day by picking up my Senior boy {{ now a man }} and a friend. We took Dylan to Best Buy and had Panda Express for lunch. Yummy~ after that it was off thrift shopping for costumes for an upcoming Hollywood party! I enjoyed spending the day with my wonderful husband and my youngest child {{yes he is still my child}} The day was dry and we had a great time.. then it was off to the store to get a few things for a BBQ with friends. We walked into Safeway where Zach was standing there greeting us with a smile! You know how a smile always warms your heart.. anyway.. Zach then asked what I was going to be taking pictures of. {{I never leave my camera in the car}} I thought Oh no, I am going to get a pictures are not allowed speech. I politely told him nothing at the moment, we were on the way to a BBQ. He then smiled this amazing big smile, his blue eyes certainly danced with joy and happiness and exclaimed "You can take my picture". So I did! It is so refreshing to find youth that take the time to smile and be happy. I just wanted everyone to know that there are still people in the world the smile and have certain joy in their hearts. People that make you smile, that make your day a wonderful experience. Safeway should be so lucky to have someone so personable to greet people and make them feel welcome. Thank you Zach for a wonderful mid-day pick me up and thanks for letting me capture your amazing eyes and wonderful smile.




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