Thursday, September 30, 2010

Show Me Your "Style" Contest

Hey everyone I thought it was time to do a contest ~

Show me your style ~ Any style welcome! It can be Fun, Funky, Fresh, Retro, Rad or anything that makes your look fantastic. Send me a photo with your best look. Photos will be posted on Artistic Cliques fan page on facebook, and will be voted on by friends, family and fans. { all voters will need to like the fan page } Winner will receive a fun fantastic photo adventure that will come with a complimentary 11x14 print. Entries must be submitted to by midnight Sunday October 3rd. Voting will run until midnight Sunday October 10Th. Winner Announced Monday October 11Th. This contest is open to anyone willing to travel to the Portland Oregon or Yakima WA area {{I am in Yakima usually one time a month}} for the winner's session. This is a contest for Individuals and open to male or female 16 and older {under 18 must have parents permission and parents will need to sign a release form at session} Session must be used by November 30Th.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Paint The Moon Action Give Away

Paint the Moon and Inspire Me Baby giving away the entire store at Paint the Moon to one lucky winner. She has amazing actions to enhance your photos, be sure to check out Paint the Moon and enter the contest to win at Inspire Me Baby
Friday, September 3, 2010

Yakima, WA travel dates and session specials.

I will be traveling to Yakima, WA and available for sessions everyday and evening Sept 7th through Sept 19th. Session special for these dates will be your choice of the following for $150 dollars. Session creation fee included in all packages.

1) Senior Style
(1) 8x10
(48) wallets

2) Family Affair
(5) Units ~ you design (see unit description below)

3) Make Mine Larger
(3) Units
(1) 11x14

A unit is the same pose in one of the following groups
(1) 8x10
(2) 5x7
(4) 4x6
(8) wallets

Please book your spot as soon as possible by emailing
You can also email for additional information. You can pay via paypal with check or credit card prior to session ~ Or cash the day of session.

This is great for seniors, couples, family, children, engagements, "ROCKIN" the dress, model portfolios etc.

Thanks and have an amazing day.

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